Free Resources Library

Thank you for visiting our free resources library page, which contains a series of pdfs and other information for your professional and personal benefit. 

Once you have downloaded the pdf(s), please remember to save it/them on your computer. Do let us know if you have any questions.

10 Reasons to become a BRILLIANT coach 

20 Questions to ask before booking a coach training

24 Questions to ask before booking an NLP Course 

Advanced Communication Skills for Coaches 

Advanced Motivational Tips for Coaches 

Being in the Zone for Athletes 

Being in the Zone for Coaches 

Changing Negative Beliefs 

Contracting with clients and chemistry sessions 

Dealing With Setbacks in Sport

Insights into Communication in Sport

NLP for Business Success - Chapter 14 

So you think you know how to coach just because you're NLP qualified

NLP for Business Success - Chapter 13 

The Winning Mindset In Sport 

Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal for Athletes 

Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal for Coaches

Why New Years resolutions don't work

Winning Goals - A Coaches' Guide 

Winning Goals - An Athletes' Guide