Free Resources
Welcome to our free resources page, where you can choose from a range of pdfs and other resources. Please scroll through to see whch one(s) you would like, and click on any of the links in the first four sections below. Once you have you entered your name and email (at the bottom of this page) you will be taken to our digital library page, where you can download as many of our free resources as you would like. Please enjoy, and do let me know if you have any questions.Free advice when choosing coaching and NLP courses
- how to find the right Coaching Course for you - 20 Questions to ask before booking on a coaching course.
- how to find the right NLP Course for you - 24 Questions to ask before booking on an NLP course.
- download and save or print a reading list of books for NLPers and non-NLPers that Jeremy refers to on his courses.

Free advice for coaches / NLP coaches
- some essential tips for coaches who want to start the coaching relationship on the right footing – Contracting with clients and chemistry sessions.
- some essential tips for NLP Practitioners who are seeking to coach and have not yet got a coaching qualification - So you think you know how to coach just because you're NLP qualified.
Free book / e-book downloads for the workplace (and for personal development)
- Chapter 14 of NLP for Business Success, an Amazon bestseller. Find out the key to motivating and influencing people at work.
- Chapter 13 of Successful NLP, another Amazon bestseller. Find out why values are so important, how to find out your and other people's values and how to use that information in a variety of situations.
- Why New Years' Resolutions don't work, and a powerful strategy that does work.
NLP-based e-books for sport (also highly relevant in the workplace)
- Changing Negative Beliefs
- Advanced Communication Skills for Coaches
- Advanced Motivational Skills for Coaches
- Being in the Zone for Athletes and Players
- Being in the Zone for Coaches
- Dealing with Setbacks in Sport
- Insights into Communication in Sport
- Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal for Athletes
- Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal for Coaches
- The Winning Mindset in Sport
- Winning Goals - An Athletes Guide
- Winning Goals - A Coaches Guide
Useful blogs / articles / resources
- Review the many free articles, blogs and videos here.
- Here’s a useful paper on ‘Referring a Client to Therapy’, published by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) in 2018.
- This article is from the Harvard Business Review, which I think is excellent in helping us ‘sell’ the idea that coaching skills are really useful for managers.
- Here’s a great article that show found in The Economist, about the importance of life-long learning.
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Please enter your name and email here and these resources will be made available to you in our digital library along with all our other free downloads.